Thursday, May 31, 2007

Rocko's first kill.

Here's something interesting/shocking...

Rocko's First Kill:
My parents go on a daily walk around the property with the dog. Well today was no different. However, today there were doe and fawn's out in the back of the property. Rocko being the stupid dog that he is, goes and chases them across the field in our backyard. He catches up to one of the baby's and traps it somehow. It ran over to a part of our yard that is basically a huge puddle, could almost be called a pond. So Rocko chases it over there, and the deer tries jumping over the fence thats there, but cant make it, so it was trapped. Apparently the dog grabbed it by its hind legs, and the baby being as scared as it was, drops down in the pudddle/pond, as Rocko stands on top of it as the baby drowns in the puddle, as if he knew he was drowning it and killing it. My parents come running by to see what had happened, and the only thing they saw was the dog standing on top of the drowned deer. So being the hicks that we are, my dad goes out there and drags the dead deer out of the water, carries it up the hill and proceeds to gut it, skin it, chop it all up, and freeze the meat.

I guess we're having deer tonite.

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