Friday, January 11, 2008

Living for tomorrow?

During my whole life, I couldn't wait to grow up...

-When I was a young kid, I was aching to be in elementary school. Whenever I watched the classes having fun at recess and playing games, I wanted to be apart of that.
-When I was in elementary school, I wished I was in 4th and 5th grade, cuz it was so much cooler to be the top dog of the school. Plus we got to run the mile before lunch, something I couldn't wait to do.
-When I was away at 5th grade camp, I wanted to be just like the high school counselors and have fun with them instead of my classmates. I wished I could go back to Athens with them.
-When I was in 6th grade, my friends and I sat in the back of the bus, where all the 8th graders sat. They got so pissed at us. We were such badasses.
-All through high school, my friends were older than me. I felt that I fit into their class a lot better than my own. I wanted to graduate and go with them to college. The next year wasn't the same without them
-Now that I've been in college for almost 2 years and pretty much lived the "college experience", I'm ready to move on in the world, graduate, get a job, start my life. I feel like I'm wasting my time here, just going through the motions everyday. I just want to get out.

The same goes for the "coming of age" parts of life, I was always envious of people older than me. I can never just live for today. I'm always living for that next step, the next thing for me to do. Like right now, the major thing I'm living for is summer and hopefully getting this internship with TPWD. Then if I that, I'll live for the next big thing that comes up, whatever that may be.

I kinda wish I didn't live for tomorrow; I have to learn how to live for today.

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