Saturday, August 21, 2010


I think it's starting to hit me that I wont be going back to MSU this fall. Everyone is talking about welcome week, football games, tailgating, etc; and it's making me pretty depressed. Not fair. I feel like college flew by quicker than any other stage of my life.. and I thought high school flew by pretty quick.
Kind of makes me think.. Am I growing up too fast for my own good? I mean fuck, I'm only 22 years old and I already have a full time job (maybe two) lined up. What ever happened to backpacking across Europe, being completely irresponsible, traveling the USA, or going to Australia for a few weeks? I feel like I'm missing a huge part of life by jumping into my career this quickly..

1 comment:

KTD said...

I've been thinking about that a lot lately as well. Quit your job and let's go to Europe. I mean it. When else will we have the chance? The only thing keeping me here right now is Richard. If I had somebody to go with... ;)