Friday, March 28, 2008

The Wild Ride

One more exam on Monday, then I'm free untill the 3rd week in April. Exciting! I get to plan out my schedule, play a little guitar here and there, and chill out for once. These last 2 weeks have sucked, both mentally and physically. Thank god its almost all over.

Tomorrow has a lot of potential to be a great day to remember. Beat U of M on home turf, then give Nate a good send-off party. Gonna miss that guy, randomly wandering into our apartment trashed all the time, chillin out having a good convo with him. Good Luck in the Army Nate!!

"This ride that takes me through life
Leads me into darkness but emerges into light
No one can ever slow me down
I'll stay unbound"
A7X - The Wild Ride

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