Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yada yada yada...

The next 2 weeks are gonna blow like none other. Exams in every single one of my classes, along with 2 papers and an intense group project. Better get out the vasoline, cuz I'm about to get raped in the asssss! This is the time of school that I hate the most.. right after spring break where there's still 2 more months of school, even tho it seems like summer is right around the corner. The longest part of the year for sure. Blah.

Car's all fucked up. Nick filled up at a gas station that put water in their gas, now the car wont drive very far without stalling and "powering down". Hopefully its the fault of the station, seems to be since another car who filled up there is experiencing the same things. That way, they will pay for everything. If they refuse, they're getting their asses sued for sure. Then I can buy a brand new car! Yay!

I never knew long distance relationships could suck so bad. 2 months seems like a breeze compared to the last 7 months that we have been talking. Oh how wrong I am. Only been a week, but it feels like months since I've seen him. Gahhh. I'll survive... somehow. :-(

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