Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There's nothing worse than when you start to feel the early signs of a cold/flu taking over your body. I'm not sure if there is anything out there that can completely stop it from happening.. Load up on DayQuil? Eat chicken noodle soup all day? Drink OJ? Take my vitamins? Drink tea with whiskey and honey?

Experiment time!
I felt it coming on last night when a small sore throat started to appear. I drank a lot of water.
Today I woke up and felt incredibily tired, sore throat a little worse, and now a stuffy/runny nose, heavy eyes, and congested head.
I already had 2 doses of DayQuil, a sore throat thingy, and ate a Flintstones (R) vitamin. Next is chicken noodle soup, tea, and OJ for the rest of the day.
I'll check back in tomorrow and update my condition.

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