Thursday, January 28, 2010

You know what really grinds my gears?

Fat people. Did you know that more than 2/3 of the world is considered overweight or obese? That means 2 out of 3 people that you know are fat, and have a BMI over 25. Ridiculously high number? I think so.

While watching TABOO: Fat yesterday, the show mentioned the website - the home of the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. I literally laughed out loud just at the title. Curious, I went to that website. Their main mission: "NAAFA is a non-profit, all volunteer, civil rights organization dedicated to protecting the rights and improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA works to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through advocacy, public education, and support."

You've got to be fucking kidding me. This organization is a sympathy blanket for lazy ass fatties that feel discriminated against because of their size. They view this organization as a place where they can feel "accepted" for "who they really are", and continue to live their lazy, gluttonous lives.

So you're fat and are proud of it? Well congradu-fucking-lations. Are you tired of people discriminating against you? Too bad. I will discriminate against you all I want because its MY tax dollars that are in affect when your obese body starts to shut down on you and you have to take a trip to the hospital. Here's a thought: maybe YOUR taxes should be raised by the lifestyle that you seemingly CHOOSE to do. Tax the hell out of that fast food, processed snacks, soda pop, frozen pizzas, etc. Pay more for your own damn health care, because I sure as hell don't want my tax dollars going to your fat ass when you get a clogged artery from all that crap you are eating. Hell no. Reason number 8 million why I am strongly opposed universal Obamacare.

Here's another fun tip, instead of going to the grocery store and buying every box of hostess cupcakes and Twinkies in the snack isle, how about buying fruit or veggies to snack on? Or am I asking way to much of you? Heaven forbid you don't get to eat a dessert after every meal, or drink an entire 2-liter of coke a day! How will you ever survive?!

And for all those people who say "I don't have time to work out".. Honestly? You're telling me that your life is so hectic, that you can't even take 15 minutes out of your day to walk around the block once or twice? Man, that must be terrible having to live such a rushed life, where every minute of your day is consumed.

And for all those people who say "working out has never done anything for me.. it's too hard", ummm... losing weight doesn't happen over night! Just beacuse you worked out for a week and didn't see results doesnt mean "its not working". It takes up to 6 weeks to see any sort of weightloss result. The combination of both EATING HEALTHY and EXERCISING 3-5 times a week is the key to weightloss, not taking diet pills or fad dieting and then sitting around on the couch all day.

And yes, I understand that some fatties out there actually have a disease that causes rapid weight gain, and with that, you have my sympathy. But that doesn't mean life is an all you can eat buffet either. You can still eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis. Just because you are fat doesn't mean that your body/organs can't be healthy and in order.

With that being said- put down the french fries, turn off the damn tv, and go outside. Enjoy the fresh air.. it's good for you.

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